Regulamin serwisu internetowego


The owners of this website available at (hereinafter: the “Website”) are partners running a business together based on a limited partnership agreement under the name JAG-MAR SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ (address of the place of business and address for service: Złota 36, 62-800 Kalisz), NIP (Tax ID Number) of the limited partnership: 6182179366, REGON of the limited partnership: 381799752, KRS (national court register) of the limited partnership: 0000757638, email address:, phone numbers +48 62 766 31 01 and +48 574 994 100 (hereinafter: “”, the “Owner” or the “Controller”).


This Website is not an online shop, and it is impossible to conclude a sales contract through it (which means, among other things, that advertisements, price lists and other information about products posted on the Website must not be treated as an offer; they can be treated as an invitation to conclude a contract). A sales contract may be concluded as a result of an inquiry addressed to after the parties have agreed upon detailed terms of such a contract; however, the conclusion and terms of such a contract are governed by separate general terms and conditions of sale of products by

The Controller of personal data processed on the Website is the Owner. The personal data is processed for the purposes, to the extent and based on the grounds and principles set out in the privacy policy published on the Website. The privacy policy primarily contains rules regarding the processing of personal data on the Website by the Controller, including the scope and purposes of and grounds for the personal data processing, the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools on the Website. Using the Website is voluntary. Similarly, providing personal data of Customers using the Website is voluntary, subject to the exceptions specified in the privacy policy (the Owner’s statutory obligations).


The Website is available to all Internet users. Within the framework of the Website, provides information on its business and the products it offers.

Using the Website in a proper manner requires meeting the following requirements:

  • A computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access.
  • A web browser in its current version: Mozilla Firefox; Internet Explorer; Opera; Google Chrome; Safari; or

Microsoft Edge.

  • Recommended screen resolution: 1024×768.
  • Enabling cookies and JavaScript support in the web browser.


Using the Website is free of charge. The Website should be used in a manner consistent with the law and good practices, considering personal rights, protection of personal data and rights of the Controller, other people using the Website and third parties, including copyrights and intellectual property rights. Any unlawful activities that may impede the Website operation are prohibited. It is also prohibited to provide unlawful content.

You can give up using the Website at any time by closing the website or the web browser.

Should you have any problems or questions relating to the use of the Website or other questions, please contact the Website Owner:

  • by email to the email address:; or
  • in writing to the address: ul. Złota 36, 62-800 Kalisz.

In the notice description, please provide (1) information and circumstances regarding the subject of the notice; and (2) contact details of the notifier. We will take a stance on your notice within 14 calendar days.


Copyrights and intellectual property rights to the Website as a whole and the content, graphics, works, designs and marks available as part of it belong to the Owner or other authorized third parties, and they are protected by the Copyright Law and other generally applicable laws and regulations. Using the content posted on the Website for personal use is allowed without restrictions. Using the content posted on the Website for other purposes requires the prior express consent of the Controller or other authorized third parties.


Should you have any problems or questions relating to the use of the Website or other questions, please contact the Website Owner:

  • by email to the email address:; or
  • in writing to the address: ul. Złota 36, 62-800 Kalisz.
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